23 Desember, 2010

Social internet marketing

Don’t we all, but everyone can’t be a Social Internet Marketing Guru. Someone has to follow them and buy their stuff. If you though High School was tough, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

Becoming a Guru is tough; you have to learn to become a brown-nosing, butt-kissing, big time suck-up. It’s a hard gig but I hear it pays pretty well. How much does it pay? I don’t know, read some of the stuff I’ve written and you’ll probably figure out why I’m not a big time Guru. I'd rather just get backlinks than do all the social stuff.

Even though I’ve never actually DONE it, I’m going to tell you how it is done. Now see there? That’s a clue to how it is done, you need to appear as though you know what you are talking about. Most of the Guru’s became Guru’s because they convinced people that they knew stuff before they ever knew anything at all.

If I’ve learned one thing in the study of becoming a Guru it is that you have to be one before people will listen to you. The trick here is to make a bunch of friends at all the online networking places so that you will appear to be popular in order to become popular enough that people will follow you. I’m pretty sure that sentence is kind of long but talk fast and smooth right?

Ok so now you have a bunch of friends on FaceBook and Twitter and MySpace and on and on and on. The time has come, you’ve been waiting for it and working for it and now you deserve it. It is time to comment on blogs. The joy, personally I can hardly contain myself.

Find a popular blog or 500 in the subject you want to become a Guru in and start making insightful comments. They have to be insightful; all the Internet Guru’s say so. Oh you should have also written some posts on a blog so that you can link back to your blog. If you don’t link back to your blog none of your new friends will know where to come.

Once people read your blog they’ll keep coming back. I’m sure of it. You still have to keep working to get more readers though, the more you have the more you can sell to.

Ideas for blog titles. It is hard to come up with blog titles so I’ll give you a hand here. 10 ways to a better blog, how to write for readers, become a Guru in 5 easy steps stuff like that. You know INFORMATIVE stuff that will help your readers to realize they need to purchase whatever you are selling.

That’s pretty much how you become a social internet marketing Guru. Good luck with it.

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