23 Desember, 2010


Although hubpages is a great way to make money on it's own from the google adsense and amazon / ebay affiliate program revenue share, most people who are make a good amount of money online - either purely from writing or from other sources - also run their own blog or website. Personally I make a little over a quarter of my total income from hubpages, and the rest from my own sites. If you are a webmaster like me then hubpages can be a great tool for you to use to promote your website, as well as a nice source of extra income in it's own right.

Writing and publishing hubs works as a promotional tool because google likes hubpages. That means that you can get a hub into a good position in google's search results for keywords that would be much more difficult to rank well for using your own site, particularly if it is still quite new. And it also means that the links which you place on your hubs can have a good 'seo' value, meaning that your hubs will really help you to gain a higher position in the search engine results pages yourself.

But if you want to gain the maximum benefit from using hubpages then it isn't so simple as just throwing up a few hastily written articles and scattering a few links through them or placing a 'visit my site' link at the bottom of the page.

I actually started using hubpages almost solely to promote my own blogs and websites. Since I discovered the earning potential of this site I have shifted emphasis a little bit, but this is still an important part of what I do here and over the year and a half of using hubpages I think I have at least learned a little bit about what works and what doesn't. So to share what little wisdom I might have gained, here are my top 'dos and don'ts' of using hubpages to promote your website. I've tried to be as comprehensive as I could be, so some of the first few may be a little obvious - I don't mean to insult your intelligence, I'm just trying not to leave anything out. And hopefully you will still find some of the later tips useful.

Things To Do

Do - Write hubs that are closely related to the topic of your website. It sounds obvious, but this will make a big difference to the value of any links you place on your hubs as well as increasing the likelihood that people who read your hubs would also also be interested in your other work.

Do - Build links to your hubs. Even if you are only interested in using them to help market another site, a hub with no links to it will have little promotional value. Build a few links and you may be suprised at how much traffic you can get, and of course that will also give your hubs more lovely link juice to pass on.

Do - Include other links on your hubs. You may want to pass on all of the linking value of your hub to one place, but if you share the love and add a few other links it can really help for two reasons: firstly, people are more likely to look through a genuine list of useful resources and visit them than to click on an obviously promotion link. Secondly, if you link to a few high quality sites that google rates highly then that places your hub in a 'good neighbourhood'. This makes it easier to rank highly for that hub, and also increases the value of an additional link to promote your own website which you may also add to the page.

Do - Make an effort to create quality content. Quality hubs can make it onto the 'hot' and 'best' lists in the hubpages categories, or even overall, and they can also accrue links from other hubbers and on other sites, all of which can dramatically increase both the traffic and the link value that they can pass on. Rubbish hubs won't.

Do - Include the keywords (search terms) that you want to target in the title and url of at least one hub.

Do - Add a description of your site and a link to it on your profile page. Often your profile will get more traffic than any of your actual hubs.

Do - Expand your horizons and write about different topics. More quality hubs = more traffic and more promotion.

Do - Have fun! It's not all work you know, writing for hubpages and participating in the community can be enjoyable too.

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